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Jeff Ferrand

Mastering audio engineer & Dolby Atmos


Hi, I am Jeff Ferrand, sound engineer at Woodbox Mastering Studio (France).

 My goal is to bring your musical productions to life and provide them with sound quality suitable for various platforms (Vinyl, Streaming, CD, Dolby Atmos, Post-production, etc.).

My mission is to transcend your mixes by giving them impeccable clarity, depth and dynamics. Every frequency, every nuance and every balance is carefully evaluated. My choice of high-end analog equipment allows me to achieve this. (Manley, Chandler, Spl, Dangerous, Elysia...)

I am proud to collaborate with known or emerging artists from all countries, talented musicians, creative producers and renowned record labels. Together we shape mastering for albums, singles, EPs and soundtracks.

Each project is unique, and requires careful listening to your aspirations and requirements in order to transform them into sound reality.


Do not hesitate to contact me to discuss your project.

Looking forward to collaborating with you!

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  • Mastering Stéréo & Stems Online

  • Pressage Vinyl & CD : B-SIDE FACTORY  

Phone : (+33) 09 72 29 62 55

 SARL WooDBox Recording Studio 15 rue des lilas – 85600 – MONTAIGU- FRANCE, 
immatriculée au registre du commerce et des sociétés de la Roche sur yon, sous le n° 530 838 531
TVA intracommunautaire : FR 63 530 838 531
Copyright © WooDBox / Tous droits réservés 
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